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Other Web Sites Created by Jonathan Smith

Fetch-a-Phrase Do-It-Yourself Phrasemakers: My new business. I've invented a system that gives a person the ability to make up thousands of phrases in a foreign language without having studied the language before. Check it out! It is seriously amazing.
Monkey C: Alternative gamelan music. Check out the Play-along where you can play virtual gamelan instruments online.
William Charnley's Amazing Art: Check out the animated art gallery. Way cool!
Leonardo's Babes: A gallery of female portraits by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Paige Wilson's Stunning Art: Landscapes and still lifes done with flair and attention.
A Journey Across Tuva: An animated shockwave slideshow and short film presentation
of a journey across the fabled land of Tuva I made in 2002 with my friend and photographer,
David Gala. (Worth seeing. Check out "The Asbestos Mine").

Related Web Sites

Burning Man: Homepage for the Burning Man Project.
Geometry: A shade structure design by veteran ranger Steve Lerner.
Desert Domes: Useful information for all types of domes.
Hexayurt: Build your own hexagonal yurt-like constuction

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