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How to Build a Geodesic Dome out of Cardboard

This site was designed in response to people asking us how we made our domes and who were interested in making their own.
The design was borrowed from a 1973 edition of Popular Science and was improved upon to meet the rigors of the Black Rock Desert.
These domes have served as an effective shelter against wind, extreme heat and, once painted, rainfall. The largest of the three domes in the picture opposite measures approximately 12' 7" in diameter and is about 6' 3" high at its center. We recommend building the largest one. All the measurements throughout this web site relate to the largest size.
They are fairly inexpensive to build as recycled cardboard is the main component and, if water-based paint is used, can be burned. The domes are strong enough to attach decorative pieces and lighting components to the inside.
Assembly time, on site, is 3 to 4 hours for 3 people constructing one dome with the appropriate tools.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments about dome construction or the outline of this web site. If you do end up building one or more of these domes for the Playa, please let us know where we can find you.

  picture of three domes