The glue I recommend
Aluminium conductor
The foil material I reccomend
Aluminium L-profiles
An important element in my construction design
Construction materials
A list of materials needed linked to the corresponding pages
How to build the simple crossover needed for the project
Magnetostatic Loudspeaker frequently asked questions
Loudspeaker Links
Related sites and interesting links
The magnets and their characteristics
MDF Plate or
the Frame
The wooden frame that'll hold the whole thing up
The most delicate element in the design
Membrane design
Here you need to do your home work well
Membrane tips
How about receiving a bit of advise, you might avoid some mistakes
I did
Membrane material
The material I recommend you use and how to test it
My experience
Ashort account of the personal experiences in this project
My building recipe
My personal recipe to Hi-fi heaven
Original building
The original Danish recipe
Perforated Iron plate
This part will hold the magnets behind the membrane
Practical tips
Mogens spills his guts out on the LaFolia subject (not literally
of course!)
The high frecuency elements in the LaFolia speakers |