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APV Publishing has been producing 4WD Magazine since 1998. 4WD in Canada’s only national truck and SUV magazine.
4WD Targets the off-road, truck and SUV enthusiast in Canada and the USA. The buyers of 4WD tend to be in the upper mid range income bracket with available disposable income. The target market is male between 25-45 with an enthusiasm for outdoor activities, camping, hunting and motorized sport.
4WD covers product installs, off-road events and travel, new vehicle introductions, readers tech questions and comments and industry news.
4WD also enjoys an excellent pass along readership of 4X per copy resulting in a per issue readership of over 20,000 per issue 160,000 per annum.
4WD is printed on high quality gloss stock with 50% colour content.
4WD’s web site is well placed in all web browsers and enjoys over 30,000 unique visits per month (average over 6 months). Can4x4.com is updated monthly with new editorial features, special offers and promotions.
For adverting information for both 4WD magazine and can4x4.com please call 1-877-479-4823.