DB Quiz

[From: weasel@ursula.uoregon.edu (The Prince of Weasels)]

1. Do you drink to excess:
   a. often
   b. seldom
   c. rarely
   d. shove it pal and pass the bourbon

2. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
   a. once or twice
   b. several times
   c. At least once a week
   d. Huh? What? You say something?

3. If you're having guests over and you're worried about dinner, you;
   a. Call a caterer and have them do it
   b. Order lots of pizza with extra toppings
   c. Tell them plans changed and go to a bar & grill
   d. Throw a Blitzkrieg Ball before they show up and ask them to help
       unload the 20 kegs

4. Your ideal vacation spot is:
   a. Hawaii, where the sun is
   b. Europe, where the culture is     
   c. China, where the intrigue is
   d. Costa Rica, where you can get a 40 oz of beer for a quarter and hard
       for a buck fifty.

5. Did you:
   a. Answer all of the questions truthfully?
   b. Answer some of the questions truthfully?
   c. Answer none of the questions truthfully?
   d. Ignored the whole thing and went hunting for a bottle of Jack instead.

If you answered d to any of the questions, or in fact stuck around long
enough to see the end of this message, you are either a REAL loser or a
drunken bastard.

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