Odd emails which have been sent to the webmaster. All are drinking related in one way or another.

From: XXXXX@aol.com
Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 02:07:54 -0400
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: Designated list

My name is Quincy XXXXXX and I would like to be added to your Designated
drivers list on your web page.I am a like minded graduate student at Georgia
Tech. who would show whom ever visits my city a good time and also make sure
they get back to where they were staying safety.I noticed that Rasputin is
all ready down for the city that I'm in ..Atlanta,Ga.I also noticed that
several large cities such as New Orleans has more the one.With the Olympics
approaching ...don't you feel there should at least be one more designated
for Atlanta.I volunteer if the position is open.....If you decide to add my
name..print it as Quincy A. Email..XXXXX@aol.com...please let me know

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 96 09:10:16 -0800
From: Angel Calderon
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: Mexcans ar thee besst drinkkkkkkkkkkkkerrs

Hey what´s wp , I´m writting you because I saww the Designated Driverz
list and I want you toIwant youtobe included onyour list od Designated
drinquers, I will reali appppppreciate ifyou´ll do that, I´m FRom
(city)Chihuahua,(state)Chihuahua, (Country)MEXICO.
I´mreally sorrrrrry foor my riting, you know , because i found out abbout
a drinkk thats named Zombie Piss(you better chekc it on the alcoholic
drinks homemade recipies) I drunk 3 glasses of that shit , o I´m sorry
piss, and I have been drunk for about 26hrs, ssoo thats wyy I dontt know
haw Im writing.
Please include me on your list, Im waiting for your reply.

Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 20:17:40 +0000
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: Designated Drivers List

My name is Dawn XXXXXXXX, and I live in Yellowknife, Northwest
Territories, Canada. In the past six years I have had seven friends
die because of Drunk Drivers. Some of them were drunk themselves, and
were driving, but others were "innocent" (No, I'm not preaching) I
decided two years ago to become a Designated Driver. Believe me, I
love to party, and have found that I can have an awesome time sober,
even when all of my other friends are drunk! I would like to be added
to your list of other DD's, and I would like to be in touch with
others, as well as being able to drive anyone who knows how to party
around, when they come to my town (if I'm there; I go to university in
Victoria, BC, Canada, so if anyone shows there...) Okay, enough
already. I would like to be added to the list. I'll shut up now.


Here's a drink a few of us invented one Friday night at our "local". We were all very shit-faced and decided to try sober up slightly (Without non-alcoholic drinks) so that we could move on to somewhere else.

We call it the "STUNTMAN"

It consists of your basic tequila, lemon and salt........only the mwthod of drinking it changes.
Step 1. Put a liberal amount of salt on the back of your hand. Sniff vigorously in to one nostril.
Step 2. Shoot the tequila down your throat.
Step 3. Squeeze lemon generously in to open eye.

Let me tell ya.....If this doesn't wake you up, nothing will.
To get the best effect, repeat.........use other nostril and other eye second time round.

Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 13:57:48 -0500
From: Brian & Doreen
Subject: Hey old drunk.

Hey, Hey,

Joe reaches for a Home brew and damn the laws, starts to drink it before
noon on Sunday.

The young women's parents cringe with fear. I may feel sorry for this
guy Joe, but upon morning light, I always find him on our couch. Dylan
"IT," has not left the shuffle play for days. The typical, With God on
Your Side, is it the garbage that smells like that? Ah, just listen.

"Hey look at that old guy!"

"Come on over here kids, pull up a bench and sit down, I want to tell
you something."

"Every morning when I get up, I eat a dozen glazed donuts and drink a
quart of coffee with all the sugar and cream I want, and then I have a
Big Glass of Brandy."

"I smoke two packs of cigarettes per day and a box of cigars a week, as
well as all the contraband I can find."

"I eat hot dogs, sauerkraut, pizza, Chianti wine, mexican food, beer,
all kinds of fried things, snacks, and candy bars all day long."

"And kids, I used to use, until I discovered the money was going to the

"Now when I want to sleep, I drink a bottle of the finest single-malt

"Hey Joe, how old are you?"

"I just turned twenty-one, man."

Brian & Doreen

From: Creepy
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 04:34:47 -0500 (EST)
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: Pabst,Olympia,Blatz,............

Dear Sirs,
Upon reviewing you page,I felt compelled to send you a
letter,I am Extremely pleased to know that I am not the only drunk
on-line.Often I am reffered to as a drunk,Lush,drunken s.o.b.,Etc....by
those I deal withh in daily life,I prefer to think I am gifted at consuming
prodigious amounts of relativly"cheap"domestic beer without dying.It would
Please me greatly if I could have my name posted on your site,oh,and as far
as your warning about "coming to my town",there is no such thing as fear from
my end,if anyone should dare to come to my abode(St.Clair Shores Michigan,the
Geritol capital of the world)I shall be most ready to recieve them and show
them how it's done.I can be contacted at "CreepySlav@aol.com"

Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 17:10:21 -0700
From: Mark Hardy>
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: A Poem

Oh give me a bar...
That's not very far...
From my home, where I rest and I sleep.

Where the beer is ice cold...
And the jukebox is old...
And the women are all very cheap.

Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 18:00:36 -0400
From: "Anthony W. Faucera"
To: machado@primenet.com
Subject: I want to be a drunken bastard!!!

Also to the quotes I would like to add a little quote that my friend Chris Hall told me:
"Our beer who art in keg, Bud be thy name
The time has come for thy to be drunk from the bottle as well as keg,
Give us this day our daily beer, and forgive us our spillages, as we forgive those who spill upon us.
And lead us not into sobriety, and deliver us from AA,
in the name of the Wheat, the Barley, and the Holy Hops.... Amen."


To: <deleted to protect the rejected>
Subject: Re: advertisements/whatever

At Friday, 22 June 2001, you wrote:

>would you like to exchange banners?
>i run an online zine
>check it out

Hi <deleted>

I checked out your site and apart from the epileptogenic first page it's not too bad. Apart from all the hackneyed articles and lipstick- lesbian prick-teasing, that is.
Unfortunately, your site appears to have nothing to do with drinking so I will have to decline your offer. If I'm going to sell my soul and trade banners, I'm going to do it with a site that's giving me free booze.

>"We've got tits and wit"

Two out of three ain't bad eh?

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