Resume of Rainer Storn
1990: Ph.D. in electrical engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
1984: Dipl.-Ing. (equivalent MS) in electrical engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms and architectures for the fast convolution of real signals (in German).
Advisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. E. Lueder, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. F. Landstorfer
Communication Theory, Digital Signal Processing, Numerical Optimization, Soft Computing.
- Acknowledgement of Differential Evolution (DE) as being the best genetic algorithm at the first international IEEE contest on evolutionary algorithms, ICEC’96, in Nagoya, Japan.
- Senior visitor leave grant from the Central Research Laboratory of SIEMENS AG to stay at the International Computer Science Institute for the period of august 1995 to november 1996.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship from the International Computer Science Institute for the period of august 1994 to july 1995.
- Grade: "with distinction" for the doctoral thesis "Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms and architectures for the fast convolution of real signals." from the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Prize at the european circuit design contest "EUROTRONIK", 1979, for the circuit "De Luxe Transistor Tester".
- A partly associative memory chip with HW-based hashing (in German), patent No.: P4302754.7.
- The usage of address transformation as a means to accelerate recurring address searches (in German), patent No.: P4311291.9.
Since Aug. 1997:
Senior Development Engineer at Infineon Technologies. Development and project leader of High-Speed Modems
(V.34, V.90, G992.1, G992.2, G992.3).
Nov. 1996 - Aug. 1997:
Project leader at Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development, leading the development of a JAVA-based
internet telephone client based on the ITU-Standard H.323.
Aug. 1994 - Nov. 1996:
Postdoctoral research Position at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley, CA,
covering the following topics:
- Evaluation of wavelet compression techniques for Internet telephony applications (supervisor).
- Development, C-simulation and implementation (ADSP2181 assembler) of algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) in speakerphone applications.
- Development of the genetic algorithm "Differential Evolution" (DE), see also
- Setup and operation of the ATM-environment in the project "Multimedia Applications on Intercontinental Highways".
- Parameter optimization for Priority Encoding Transmission (PET) of MPEG video sequences over lossy networks.
March 1990 - Aug. 1994:
Development engineer at Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development, Systems Technologies, Application Center Communication.
- Since july 1992 group leader of 12 engineers in the project "Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)" comprising the development of a high speed packet processor and the design of a unix-based network management system for a MAN. The MAN is working according to the distributed queue dual bus principle being defined by the IEEE standard 802.6.
- Preparation and conducting of the SIEMENS-internal lecture "Queuing Theory".
- Preparation and conducting of the lecture "Connectionless Server" at the University of Munich and the University of Innsbruck.
- Design of a connectionless server (CLS) for broadband ATM-networks with 14 concurrently working RISC-processors (intel i940).
- Design and implementation (C) of an HDLC driver software for an ATM joint development project between Siemens and NTT.
- Referee for IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing and I.E.E. Proc. on Vision, Image and Signal Processing.
Sept. 1984 - Feb. 1990:
Assistant Professor at the Institute for Network- and Systems Theory, University of Stuttgart, Germany, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. E. Lueder.
- Responsibility for 23 semester and diploma theses.
- Preparation and conduction of lectures, exercises and examinations in "Circuit Theory 1 - 4" (Undergraduate), "Systems Theory 1, 2" (Graduate), "Network Synthesis 1, 2" (Graduate) and "Hybrid Microcircuits" (Graduate).
- Design of the practicum "Digital Signal Processing" at the University of Stuttgart.
July 1984 - Sept. 1984 :
Enhancement of the scientific software package for design centering and statistical optimization at the Institute for Microelectronics, Stuttgart, Germany, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. E. Lueder.
April 1982 - Aug. 1982:
Development of the self-test software (6809 assembler) for the 8182A data analyzer at Hewlett-Packard GmbH in Boeblingen, Germany.
Java, C++, C, Fortran 77, Pascal, Assembler (Motorola 6809, ADSP2181, Oak, intel i960)
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