User-agent: * # directed to all spiders, not just Scooter Disallow: /web/whc/archive/out/ # Directory contains early versions of documents already available. Disallow: /web/whc/conf201/ # Merida meeting materials only (temporary) Disallow: /web/whc/fr/archive/out # French versions of early materials already available Disallow: /web/whc/nwhc/ # frames and non-substantive frame content Disallow: /web/whc/ # frames and non-substantive frame content, French pages Disallow: /*id_search_state=* Disallow: /*=zip* Disallow: /*=xls* Disallow: /en/soc/*id_search_state=* Disallow: /fr/soc/*id_search_state=* Disallow: /sites/ # added 2010-09-22frames and non-substantive frame content, French pages Disallow: /temp/ # temp folders # robots.txt for http// # User-agent Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Muscat/1.03) # Disallow # 15 June 1997 # updated 3 September 1998, 21 March 1999, 10 November 1999 # (also placed in whc/archive/) # added 2010-09-22 # User-agent: * # Request-rate: 1/3 # maximum rate is one page every 5 seconds # Visit-time: 0600-0845 # only visit between 06:00 and 08:45 UTC (GMT) # Crawl-delay: 3 User-agent: msnbot Crawl-delay: 5 # Request-rate: 1/3