#GLOBAL User-agent: * Disallow: /app/wp-admin/ Allow: /app/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Disallow: /app/wp-includes/ Disallow: /resources/ #NAOS BP Disallow: */mynaos/ # Disallow crawling of mynaos dashboard Disallow: */api/ # Disallow crawling of api paths Disallow: /_next/ # Disallow crawling of Next.js internal paths Disallow: */404/ # Disallow crawling of 404 pages Disallow: */500/ # Disallow crawling of 500 pages Disallow: */fr-FR/ # Disallow crawling of fr-FR Disallow: */en-MASTER/ # Disallow crawling of en-MASTER Sitemap: https://naos.com/sitemap_index.xml Sitemap: https://naos.com/sitemap_es-mx.xml