# Last updated 8/7/2023 # Well, hello there! # If you're here and you're not a bot, but in fact # a real human, you might be someone we should talk # to when we have an open SEO position. Call us at # (234) 380-1650 from 8:30 to 5:00 Eastern. # If you are Larry, Sergey or Sundar, please just put us on # page 1 for all our keywords and you will save us # all a lot of time. Thanks. # & # & & # & & # & & & & & & & & & # HHHHHHHH HHHHHHH & & & CCCCCCCC C # HHH HHH & & & CCC CCCC C # HHH HHH && & & & CCC& CC # HHH HHH && && & & CCC & C # HHH HHH && && & & & & CCC & # HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH&& && & & & &CCC & # HHH HHH&& && & & & CCCC & # HHH HHH && && & & & CCC & C # HHH HHH & && & && &CCC & CC # HHH HHH & && & & & & & CCC & CCCC # HHHHHHHH HHHHHHH && & && & & && CCCCCCCCC 00 # & & & && & # & && & # & & & # & # Sitemap: https://hedgescompany.com/xmlsitemap.xml User-agent: * Allow: /*.js* Allow: /*.css* Allow: /*.png* Allow: /*.jpg* Allow: /*.gif* disallow: /includes/ disallow: /tmp/ disallow: /jazz-charts/ disallow: /music/ disallow: /enthusiastsdirect-com/ disallow: /themes/ disallow: /feed/ disallow: /automotiveaftermarket.org/ user-agent: ChangeDetection disallow: / User-agent: RankSonicSiteAuditor Disallow: / User-agent: ScoutJet Disallow: / User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / Allow: /public