#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>

#include "font.h"

int pong_mode;

 * Ports:
 * A0-6: Dot matrix rows
 * D0-4: Dot matrix columns
 * B0:   Player 2 UP
 * B1:   Player 2 DOWN
 * B2:   Player 1 UP
 * B3:   Player 1 DOWN
 * B4:   Player 2 score LED
 * B5:   Player 1 score LED

 * Framebuffer(5x7 dot matrix):
 * 6 x x x x O
 *   x x x x O <- p2_pos = 5
 *   x x x x x
 *   x x x x x
 *   x x x x x
 *   x x x x O
 * 0 x x x x O <- p2_pos = 0
 *   0       4

volatile unsigned char framebuffer[5];
volatile unsigned char framebuffer_pos = 0x00;

volatile char ball_x;
volatile char ball_y;
volatile char ball_dx;
volatile char ball_dy;
volatile char p1_pos; /* Position of player 1 paddle */
volatile char p2_pos; /* Position of player 2 paddle */
volatile char ballClock; /* Move ball only every to tick */
volatile char redraw_needed;
volatile char speed_counter; /* increase speed as game goes on */
const char speed_bumper = 10; /* increase speed after this many movement_timer ticks */
volatile char current_speed;
volatile char score;
const unsigned char d1[] = {0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x7f, 0x00}; /* the number 1 */
const unsigned char d2[] = {0x47, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x31}; /* the number 2 */

/* Draw paddles and ball */
void drawScene()
        framebuffer[0] = BV(p1_pos) | BV(p1_pos+1);
        framebuffer[1] = 0;
        framebuffer[2] = 0;
        framebuffer[3] = 0;
        framebuffer[4] = BV(p2_pos) | BV(p2_pos+1);
        framebuffer[(unsigned char)ball_x] |= BV(ball_y);

void variable_init(void)
        ball_x  = 2;
        ball_y  = 3;
        ball_dx = 1;
        ball_dy = 0;
        p1_pos = 2;
        p2_pos = 2;
        ballClock = 0;
        redraw_needed = 1;
        speed_counter = 0;
        current_speed = 3;

void ioinit(void)
        /* Set port C and B0-3, B6-7, to internal pullup, B4-5 output */
        outp(0x30, DDRB);
        outp(0x00, DDRC);
        outp(0xcf, PORTB);
        outp(0xff, PORTC);

        /* Set port A and D to output */
        outp(0xff, DDRA);
        outp(0xff, DDRD);

        /* Enable 8-bit counter1, running on clk speed */
        outp(BV(CS01), TCCR0);

        /* Set OCR1A as max value and Enable 16-bit counter,
         * running on clk/8 speed */
        outp(BV(WGM12)|BV(CS11), TCCR1B);

        /*  */

        /* Enable overlow when counter1 reaches OCR1A */
        /*outp(BV(TOV1), TIFR);*/

        /* Enable overflow interrupt for counter 0 and counter 1*/

        /* Enable interrupts */

/* Switch leds to indicate who's leading */
void update_score_output(void) {
        if (score == 1)
                outp(0xef, PORTB); /* turn on led for player 1 */
        else if(score == -1)
                outp(0xdf, PORTB); /* turn on led for player 2 */
                outp(0xcf, PORTB); /* turn off leds */

void victory(void)
        unsigned char buttons;
        int i;
        int j;

        /* turn off counter */
        outp(0x00, TCCR1B);

        /* turn on both leds */
        /* outp(0xff, PORTB); */

        /* Display winner */
        if (score == 1)
                framebuffer[0] = d1[0];
                framebuffer[1] = d1[1];
                framebuffer[2] = d1[2];
                framebuffer[3] = d1[3];
                framebuffer[4] = d1[4];
                framebuffer[0] = d2[0];
                framebuffer[1] = d2[1];
                framebuffer[2] = d2[2];
                framebuffer[3] = d2[3];
                framebuffer[4] = d2[4];

        /* wait a little */
        for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
          for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) j=j;
        /* wait for buttonpress to start again */
        buttons = ~inp(PINB);
        while( (buttons & 0x0f) == 0x00 ) {
                unsigned char wait_count;
                for (wait_count = 0; wait_count < 0xff; ++wait_count);
                buttons = ~inp(PINB);


        /* Reinit */
        score = 0;
        speed_counter = 0;

/* Movement */
void timer_movement(unsigned char portB)
        unsigned char p1_up; /* Player 1  up  button pressed */
        unsigned char p1_dn; /* Player 1 down button pressed */
        unsigned char p2_up; /* Player 2  up  button pressed */
        unsigned char p2_dn; /* Player 2 down button pressed */
        char pos;
        char loose;
        char paddle_bounce;
        int i;
        int j;

        /* Read buttons */
        p1_up = portB & 0x04; /* Pin B2 */
        p1_dn = portB & 0x08; /* Pin B3 */
        p2_up = portB & 0x01; /* Pin B0 */
        p2_dn = portB & 0x02; /* Pin B1 */

        /* Stop paddle movement at wall */
        p1_up = (p1_up && p1_pos < 5);
        p1_dn = (p1_dn && p1_pos > 0);
        p2_up = (p2_up && p2_pos < 5);
        p2_dn = (p2_dn && p2_pos > 0);

        /* Move paddles */
        if (p1_up) p1_pos++;
        if (p1_dn) p1_pos--;
        if (p2_up) p2_pos++;
        if (p2_dn) p2_pos--;

        /* Move ball only every two clock tick */
        if ((ballClock = !ballClock))
                /* Bounce ball on wall */
                if (ball_y == 0) ball_dy = -ball_dy;
                if (ball_y == 6) ball_dy = -ball_dy;

                /* Bounce ball on paddle */
                loose = 0;
                paddle_bounce = 0;
                pos = (ball_x == 1)?p1_pos:p2_pos;
                if (ball_x == 1 || ball_x == 3)
                        loose = 1;
                        if (ball_y == pos || ball_y == pos+1)
                                ball_dx = -ball_dx;
                                loose = 0;
                                paddle_bounce = 1;
                        else if (ball_y == pos-1 && ball_dy == 1)
                                ball_dx = -ball_dx;
                                ball_dy = -ball_dy;
                                loose = 0;
                                paddle_bounce = 1;
                        else if (ball_y == pos+2 && ball_dy == -1)
                                ball_dx = -ball_dx;
                                ball_dy = -ball_dy;
                                loose = 0;
                                paddle_bounce = 1;

                if (loose)
                        if (ball_x == 1)  /* player 2 won */
                                if (score == -1) /* total victory! */

                                        ball_x += ball_dx;
                                        ball_y += ball_dy;
                                        redraw_needed = 1;

                                        outp(0x00, TCCR1B); /* turn off counter */
                                        sei(); /* Re-enable interrupts */
                                        /* Wait a little */
                                        for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                                                for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) j=j;
                                        cli(); /* Disable interrupts again */
                                        outp(BV(WGM12)|BV(CS11), TCCR1B); /* turn on counter */
                        else { /* player 1 won */
                                if (score == 1) /* total victory! */

                                        ball_x += ball_dx;
                                        ball_y += ball_dy;
                                        redraw_needed = 1;

                                        outp(0x00, TCCR1B); /* turn off counter */
                                        sei(); /* Re-enable interrupts */
                                        /* Wait a little */
                                        for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                                                for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) j=j;
                                        cli(); /* Disable interrupts again */
                                        outp(BV(WGM12)|BV(CS11), TCCR1B); /* turn on counter */

                /* Change vertical speed of ball according to paddle speed */
                if (paddle_bounce)
                        if (ball_x == 1 && p1_up && ball_dy <  1) ball_dy++;
                        if (ball_x == 1 && p1_dn && ball_dy > -1) ball_dy--;
                        if (ball_x == 3 && p2_up && ball_dy <  1) ball_dy++;
                        if (ball_x == 3 && p2_dn && ball_dy > -1) ball_dy--;

                /* Wall bounce after paddle bounce */
                if (ball_y == 0 && ball_dy == -1) ball_dy = -ball_dy;
                if (ball_y == 6 && ball_dy ==  1) ball_dy = -ball_dy;

                /* Move ball */
                ball_x += ball_dx;
                ball_y += ball_dy;

        redraw_needed = 1;

/* Framebuffer output to led matrix */
        if (++framebuffer_pos > 4) framebuffer_pos = 0;

        /* Change output to dot matrix */
        outp(0xff, PORTA); /* Avoid ghosting */
        outp(BV(framebuffer_pos), PORTD);
        outp(~framebuffer[framebuffer_pos], PORTA);

        if (!pong_mode) return;
        /* Redraw scene during "vertical retrace" */
        if (framebuffer_pos == 4 && redraw_needed)
                redraw_needed = 0;

/* Movement */
        if (!pong_mode) return;
        if (++speed_counter == speed_bumper) {
                speed_counter = 0;
                outw(OCR1A, (40000 / ++current_speed) * 3);
                if (current_speed > 100) current_speed = 100;


int main_pong(void)
        score = 0;

int main_font(void)
        unsigned char portB;
        unsigned char nextPressed;
        unsigned char prevPressed;
        int cf; /* Current font */

        nextPressed = 0;
        prevPressed = 0;
        cf = 0;
        framebuffer[0] = font[cf][0];
        framebuffer[1] = font[cf][1];
        framebuffer[2] = font[cf][2];
        framebuffer[3] = font[cf][3];
        framebuffer[4] = font[cf][4];


                portB = ~inp(PINB);

                /* Prev button */
                if (portB & 0x01)
                        if (!prevPressed)
                                if (cf < 0) cf = 0;
                                framebuffer[0] = font[cf][0];
                                framebuffer[1] = font[cf][1];
                                framebuffer[2] = font[cf][2];
                                framebuffer[3] = font[cf][3];
                                framebuffer[4] = font[cf][4];
                        prevPressed = 1;
                        prevPressed = 0;

                /* Next button */
                if (portB & 0x02)
                        if (!nextPressed)
                                if (cf >= font_count) cf = font_count - 1;
                                framebuffer[0] = font[cf][0];
                                framebuffer[1] = font[cf][1];
                                framebuffer[2] = font[cf][2];
                                framebuffer[3] = font[cf][3];
                                framebuffer[4] = font[cf][4];
                        nextPressed = 1;
                        nextPressed = 0;

int main(void)
        unsigned char portB;

        framebuffer[0] = 0;
        framebuffer[1] = 0;
        framebuffer[2] = 0;
        framebuffer[3] = 0;
        framebuffer[4] = 0;
        pong_mode = 0;

        for (;;)
          portB = ~inp(PINB);
          if (portB & 0x01) {pong_mode = 1; main_pong();}
          if (portB & 0x02) {pong_mode = 0; main_font();}