A simple TSP where all the cities are located on a circle.
The Traveling Salesman Problem: A hypothetical salesmen must make a complete tour of a given set of cities in the order that minimizes his total distance traveled
Given a set of n nodes and the coordinates of each node, find a round trip of minimum total length visiting each node exactly once. The distance from node i to node j is the same as from node j to node i (Symmetric TSP).
Since all cities are located on a circle, it is obvious that the shortest trip is along the circle. This fact (which is known to us but not to the computer) makes it easy to follow the advance on the graphical display.
The number of cities can be changed by editing the 'Number of Genes' value in the Parameters screen.
If the number of genes is modified to a new value N, modify the 'Maximum Value' parameter to N-1.
The target value (exit value) is calculated by the program, so the algorithm knows when to quit (When optimum path is reached).
The applet requires a browser that supports JDK 1.1.5 or above
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Optionally select 'Parameters' from the 'GA' menu to modify problem attributes
Select 'Execute' from the 'GA' menu to run the program
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