The GA Playground: Schwefel's (Sine Root) Function
A widely used multimodal test function
f(x) = 418.9829*n + sum(-x(i)*sin(sqrt(abs(x(i))))
-500 <= x(i) <= 500
global minimum
f(x) = 0
x(i) = 420.9687, i=1:n
Problem Specific Notes:
- The problem definition file is Schwefel.par
- The file defines a 10-dimensions problem (n=10)
- The dimension can be changed by modifying he "Number of Genes" parameter
- The applet requires a browser that supports JDK 1.1.5 or above
- The applet has a relatively long loading time
- Hide browser's toolbars to make the whole applet visible without scrolling
- Optionally select 'Parameters' from the 'GA' menu to modify problem attributes
- Select 'Execute' from the 'GA' menu to run the program
- Status bar help tips can be toggled On or Off through the 'Options' menu
- Text window reporting can be toggled On or Off through the 'Options/Switches' menu
Ariel Dolan