Archive-name: ai-faq/genetic/part4 Last-Modified: 3/20/95 Issue: 3.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF PART 4 Q10: What introductory material on EAs is there? Q10.1: Suitable background reading for beginners? Q10.2: Textbooks on EC? Q10.3: The Classics? Q10.4: Introductory Journal Articles? Q10.5: Introductory Technical Reports? Q10.6: Not-quite-so-introductory Literature? Q10.7: Biological Background Readings? Q10.8: On-line bibliography collections? Q10.9: Videos? Q10.10: CD-ROMs? Q10.11: How do I get a copy of a dissertation? Q11: What EC related journals and magazines are there? Q12: What are the important conferences/proceedings on EC? Q13: What Evolutionary Computation Associations exist? Q14: What Technical Reports are available? Q15: What information is available over the net? Q15.1: What digests are there? Q15.2: What mailing lists are there? Q15.3: What online information repositories are there? Q15.4: What relevant newsgroups and FAQs are there? Q15.5: What about all these Internet Services?Go Back Up