Q1.1: What's a Genetic Algorithm (GA)?

     The  GENETIC  ALGORITHM  is a model of machine learning which derives
     its behavior from a metaphor of the processes of EVOLUTION in nature.
     This  is  done  by  the  creation within a machine of a POPULATION of
     INDIVIDUALs represented by CHROMOSOMEs, in essence a set of character
     strings  that  are analogous to the base-4 chromosomes that we see in
     our own DNA.  The individuals in the population  then  go  through  a
     process of evolution.

     We  should  note that EVOLUTION (in nature or anywhere else) is not a
     purposive or directed process.  That is,  there  is  no  evidence  to
     support  the  assertion  that  the  goal  of  evolution is to produce
     Mankind. Indeed, the  processes  of  nature  seem  to  boil  down  to
     different  INDIVIDUALs  competing  for  resources in the ENVIRONMENT.
     Some are better than others. Those that are better are more likely to
     survive and propagate their genetic material.

     In  nature,  we  see  that  the  encoding for our genetic information
     (GENOME) is done in a way that admits asexual REPRODUCTION  (such  as
     by  budding)  typically  results  in  OFFSPRING  that are genetically
     identical to the PARENT.  Sexual REPRODUCTION allows the creation  of
     genetically  radically different offspring that are still of the same
     general flavor (SPECIES).

     At the molecular level what occurs (wild  oversimplification  alert!)
     is  that a pair of CHROMOSOMEs bump into one another, exchange chunks
     of genetic information and drift apart.  This  is  the  RECOMBINATION
     operation,  which GA/GPers generally refer to as CROSSOVER because of
     the way that genetic material crosses over  from  one  chromosome  to

     The CROSSOVER operation happens in an ENVIRONMENT where the SELECTION
     of who gets to mate is a function of the FITNESS of  the  INDIVIDUAL,
     i.e.  how  good  the  individual  is at competing in its environment.
     Some GENETIC ALGORITHMs use a simple function of the fitness  measure
     to   select   individuals   (probabilistically)  to  undergo  genetic
     operations such as crossover or asexual REPRODUCTION (the propagation
     of   genetic  material  unaltered).   This  is  fitness-proportionate
     selection.  Other  implementations  use  a  model  in  which  certain
     randomly  selected  individuals in a subgroup compete and the fittest
     is selected. This is called tournament selection and is the  form  of
     selection we see in nature when stags rut to vie for the privilege of
     mating with a herd of hinds. The two processes that  most  contribute
     to  EVOLUTION are crossover and fitness based selection/reproduction.

     As it turns out, there are mathematical proofs that indicate that the
     process  of  FITNESS  proportionate  REPRODUCTION  is,  in fact, near
     optimal in some senses.

     MUTATION also plays a role in this process,  although  how  important
     its role is continues to ba a matter of debate (some refer to it as a
     backgroud operator, while others view it as playing the dominant role
     in the evolutionary process). It cannot be stressed too strongly that
     the GENETIC ALGORITHM (as a SIMULATION of a genetic process) is not a
     random  search  for  a solution to a problem (highly fit INDIVIDUAL).
     The genetic algorithm uses stochastic processes, but  the  result  is
     distinctly non-random (better than random).

     GENETIC  ALGORITHMs  are  used  for a number of different application
     areas. An example of  this  would  be  multidimensional  OPTIMIZATION
     problems  in which the character string of the CHROMOSOME can be used
     to encode the values for the different parameters being optimized.

     In practice, therefore,  we  can  implement  this  genetic  model  of
     computation  by  having arrays of bits or characters to represent the
     CHROMOSOMEs.   Simple   bit   manipulation   operations   allow   the
     implementation  of CROSSOVER, MUTATION and other operations. Although
     a substantial amount of research  has  been  performed  on  variable-
     length  strings  and  other  structures,  the  majority  of work with
     GENETIC ALGORITHMs is focussed on fixed-length character strings.  We
     should  focus on both this aspect of fixed-lengthness and the need to
     encode the representation of the solution being sought as a character
     string,  since  these  are  crucial  aspects that distinguish GENETIC
     PROGRAMMING, which does not have a fixed  length  representation  and
     there is typically no encoding of the problem.

     When  the  GENETIC  ALGORITHM  is implemented it is usually done in a
     manner that involves the following cycle:  Evaluate  the  FITNESS  of
     all of the INDIVIDUALs in the POPULATION.  Create a new population by
     performing  operations  such  as   CROSSOVER,   fitness-proportionate
     REPRODUCTION  and  MUTATION on the individuals whose fitness has just
     been measured. Discard the old population and iterate using  the  new

     One  iteration of this loop is referred to as a GENERATION.  There is
     no theoretical reason for this as an implementation  model.   Indeed,
     we  do not see this punctuated behavior in POPULATIONs in nature as a
     whole, but it is a convenient implementation model.

     The first GENERATION (generation 0) of this  process  operates  on  a
     POPULATION  of  randomly  generated  INDIVIDUALs.  From there on, the
     genetic operations, in concert with the FITNESS measure,  operate  to
     improve the population.

     Algorithm GA is

	  // start with an initial time
	  t := 0;

	  // initialize a usually random population of individuals
	  initpopulation P (t);

	  // evaluate fitness of all initial individuals of population
	  evaluate P (t);

	  // test for termination criterion (time, fitness, etc.)
	  while not done do

	       // increase the time counter
	       t := t + 1;

	       // select a sub-population for offspring production
	       P' := selectparents P (t);

	       // recombine the "genes" of selected parents
	       recombine P' (t);

	       // perturb the mated population stochastically
	       mutate P' (t);

	       // evaluate it's new fitness
	       evaluate P' (t);

	       // select the survivors from actual fitness
	       P := survive P,P' (t);
     end GA.
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