Some genetic algorithm references...
These are some of the more common references for those interested in genetic algorithms and genetic algorithms implementations.
- Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice
- T. Baeck, Oxford, NY, 1996
- Handbook of Genetic Algorithms
- Lawrence Davis (editor), Van Nostrand Reinholt, NY, 1991
- Evolutionary Computation
- D.B. Fogel, IEEE Press, NY, 1995
- Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization
- David Edward Goldberg, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1989
- ISBN 0-201-15767-5
- Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, 2nd. Edition
- J.H. Holland, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992
- Genetic Programming
- J. Koza, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992
- Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
- Zbginew Michalewicz, Springer, Berlin, 1994
- An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
- Melanie Mitchell, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996
- Evolution and Optimum Seeking
- H.-P. Schwefel, Wiley, NY, 1994
- Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
- Cambridge University Press, (c) 1988-1992
- ISBN 0-521-43108-5
Matthew Wall, 20 March 1996